The coda-converters module
The coda-converters module is a container for specific implementations of CODA converters (and for their contracts) which come bundled with the main distribution.
Currently, available converters are:
- DefaultConverter, a default converter normally adopted by coda for the generation of URIs and literals. Local names of URIs and literals are composed from the source string from the UIMA CAS.
- RandomIdGenerator, randomly generating 8-digits UUID based resource URIs.
- DateConverter, generating a literal with datatype xsd:date from the source string from the UIMA CAS.
- TimeConverter, generating a literal with datatype xsd:time from the source string from the UIMA CAS.
- DatetimeConverter, generating a literal with datatype xsd:dateTime from the source string from the UIMA CAS.
- LangStringConverter, generating a literal with a language tag from the source string from the UIMA CAS.
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