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Roberto Basili Home
My life in the bush of ghosts ...
Since May 2003 I am Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Roma, Tor Vergata and member of the Artificial Intelligence group at Tor Vergata (ART) since 1991. My current research is on Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, knowledge representation and applications such as Information Retrieval and Semantic Web. I am author of more than 60 publications in Journals, International and National Conferences. My current teaching duties are related to courses on Fundamentals of Programming in C++, Database Systems and Information Retrieval at the Department of Computer Science, while a course on TAL (Trattamento Automatico della Lingua) is held since 2005 at the Department of Linguistics of the Tor Vergata University.
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Roberto Basili's Home, 2005 |