LIME (LInguistic MEtadata) is a vocabulary and an associated Java API for linguistic metadata about linguistically grounded RDF datasets and linguistic resources published as Linked Data.

Initially developed inside the ART Group of the University of Rome, Tor Vergata, in the context of the EU funded project SemaGrow, LIME seeded the discussion within the W3C Community Group OntoLex about a shared metadata vocabulary.

LIME is today the metadata module of the OntoLex suite of vocabularies for specifying interfaces between Ontologies and Lexicons.

Eventhough it contains specifities bound to the OntoLex model, the LIME vocabulary is suitable for describing the asset of any kind of lexicalization. The description of this asset consists of quality and quantitative information about the lexical realization of the described dataset. Relevant metadata includes the listing of the natural languages adopted to lexicalize the dataset, the lexical models adopted to provide the lexicalizations (e.g rdfs:labels, SKOS or SKOS-XL labeling properties, or OntoLex itself) and statistics about the coverage of the dataset elements by the lexical entries for each given language.

We encourage the adoption of the LIME vocabulary (which builds on top of, and complements, other existing metadata vocabularies, such as  VoID, Dublin CoreThe PROV ontology or DCAT ) to augment the visibility of ontologies and datasets, in order to improve their accessibility and qualify their lexical characterization.

The specification of the LIME vocabulary is currently available on its dedicated section of the OntoLex model specification in the OntoLex wiki