Interface | Description |
RDFTransformer.Operation |
An operation for transforming an RDF statement.
SubTreeMapOperation.Operation | |
SubTreeMapOperation.SubResourcesRetriever |
Class | Description |
RDFTransformer |
This class implements a rule based engine for transforming an RDF graph.
RDFTransformer.AbstractOperation |
An abstract implementation of the interface
RDFTransformer.Operation that processes a given statement
providing that it satisfies a given predicate. |
RDFTransformer.BNodePredicate |
A predicate that filters bnodes.
RDFTransformer.DiscardOperation |
Concrete operation that discards a statement.
RDFTransformer.LiteralPredicate |
A predicate over RDF literals.
RDFTransformer.StatementPredicate |
A predicate over RDF statements.
RDFTransformer.URIPredicate |
A statement that matches a given URI.
ReifiedSKOSDefinitionsConverter |
Simple utility class for expanding skos:definitions into a reified form (and viceversa)
ReifiedSKOSDefinitionsFlattener | |
SKOS2OWLConverter |
Simple utility class for transforming a SKOS thesaurus into an OWL ontology using the rules adopted by the
OAEI 2012 Library Track (
SKOS2OWLConverter.URITransformer |
Abstract class modeling a URI transformer.
SKOS2SKOSXLConverter |
Simple utility class for expanding a SKOS thesaurus to SKOS-XL.
SKOSXL2SKOSConverter |
Simple utility class for lowering a SKOS-XL thesuarus to SKOS.
SubTreeExtractor<TYPE extends RDFSModel> |
This class implements a procedure to extract a subtree rooted on a given RDF resource.
SubTreeMapOperation |
This class allows to perform an operation on all the subclasses/subconcepts of a given resource.
SubTreeMapOperation.SubResourcesRetrieverAbstractImpl |
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