Noemi Scarpato



This is a list of software tools produced inside the ART laboratory which I personally realized or contributed to their development:

Knowledge Management

Semantic Turkey: a Firefox based Knowledge Management and Acquisition Platform for the Semantic Web I'm implementor together with Andrea Turbati, of the Presentation Layer from version 1.0

Range Annotator: an extension of Semantic Turkey that transforms it into a true Semantic Annotation System, by replacing the standard annotation mechanism with one producing RangeAnnotations.

STIA: an extension of Semantic Turkey providing a semantic annotation tool for the jurisprudence domain. Developed in collaboration with CNIPA (Centro Nazionale Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione ).

ST_OL: an extension of Semantic Turkey consisting in an incremental ontology learning system.

Maskkot: an integrated framework combining the semantic annotation and ontology building features provided by Semantic Turkey, with the use of globally unique identifiers for entities provided by the Okkam Entity Name System.