WordnetInterface Installation Instructions

For WordnetInterface 2.0.1 (Linguistic Watermark 2.0)


The Linguistic Watermark graphic configuration utility can be used for properly setting the WordNet Interface according to the version of WordNet available in your computer and on its position in your hard drive. Anyway, the instructions below refer to the xml Linguistic Watermark configuration file.

Below are represented the interface and a instances sections of the Linguistic Watermark configuration file (see Linguistic Watermark User Manual for details):

<interface id="WORDNET" path="plugins/it.uniroma2.info.ai-nlp.ontoling/WordnetInterface.jar" />

the interface section for WordNet needs no particular configuration (there is no property associated to the declaration of the WordNet Interface), while, in the instances sections

<instance id="WordNet_2.0" interface="WORDNET">
<property description="path where is file_properties.xml" id="jwnl_properties" value="plugins/it.uniroma2.info.ai-nlp.ontoling/WordnetInterface/file_properties.xml" />

a single property (jwnl_properties) is necessary, pointing to the property file which is used by the JWNL to access a specific WordNet vocabulary.

This way, it is possible to prepare different properties files and access the proper one depending on the version of WordNet which is needed at the time.


the WordnetInterface release includes the following third party libraries:
  • commons-logging.jar which has been developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)
  • jwnl.jar JWNL (Java Wordnet Library) which was architected by John Didion, and the majority of the code written by him. He can be contacted at jdidion@didion.net.