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W3C_XML_SCHEMA - Static variable in class it.uniroma2.info.ai_nlp.LinguisticWatermark.config.DomParser
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class it.uniroma2.info.ai_nlp.LinguisticWatermark.config.ValidatorHandler
wholeWordSearchStatus - Variable in class it.uniroma2.info.ai_nlp.LinguisticWatermark.LinguisticInterface
tells if searches on the linguistic resource will return only exact matches of the word(s) given as input
WholeWordToggling - Interface in it.uniroma2.info.ai_nlp.LinguisticWatermark
this interface allows for switching between exact and non exact match when searching the resource for given word(s)

A B C D E F G H I J L M N P R S T U V W _