ART Software
Knowledge Management and Acquisition
VocBench: a collaborative editing environment for OWL ontologies, SKOS/SKOXL thesauri and RDF datasets (version 3 under development, version 2 developed in collaboration with FAO)
Semantic Turkey: a service-oriented Knowledge Management and Acquisition Platform for the Semantic Web
CODA: an architecture used to project the data produced by one or more UIMA annotators onto an ontology
Sheet2RDF: a platform for acquisition and transformation of datasheets into RDF (also available as a Semantic Turkey plugin, and soon for VocBench as well)
OntoLing: a tool for Linguistic Enrichment of ontologies (available as extension for different ontology development platforms)
Owl ART API (end of development/support in 2016) : api for accessing and managing RDF. Provide various implementations for several existing triple store
Natural Language Processing / Language Engineering
The Chaos System: A Natural Language Robust Processor
OBI-WAN: Ontology Based WrApper iNduction
Linguistic Watermark: an abstraction framework for uniformly accessing heterogeneous linguistic resources (thesauri, dictionaries, wordnets...):
JMWNL: Java (Multi)WordNet Library: a set of extensions to the JWNLlibrary allowing access to WordNetsfor different languages (currently supports EuroWordNet)
LIME: a vocabulary and an associated Java API for linguistic metadata about linguistically grounded RDF datasets and linguistic resources published as Linked Data