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Basili, R., A. Moschitti Automatic Text Categorization: From Information Retrieval to Support Vector Learning , Aracne Editrice, Informatica, ISBN: 88-548-0292-1, 2005

International Journals Top of the Page

16. Roberto Basili, Marco Cammisa, Emanuale Donati and Alessandro Moschitti, Semantic indexing and hyperlinking of multimedia news: the RitroveRAI System, Journal of Digital Information Management, 2006.

15. Roberto Basili, Alessandro Moschitti, and Marco Pennacchiotti, Analisi e Annotazione Automatica dei Testi Letterari, SINCRONIE, Gareffi, Andrea Editor, Italy, 2006.

14. Roberto Basili, Alessandro Moschitti and Maria Teresa Pazienza, Extensive evaluation of efficient NLP-driven text classification, Applied Artificial Intelligence Journal, July, 2006.

13. Roberto Basili, ”Review of ”Learning to Classify Text Using Support Vector Machines” by Thorsten Joachims”, Computational Linguistics, 29, 4, pages. 655­661, 2003.

12. BASILI R., A. MOSCHITTI, M.T. PAZIENZA, F.M. ZANZOTTO, Personalizing Web Publishing via Information Extraction, IEEE Journal of Intelligent Systems, Jan/Feb 2003, IEEE Computer Society.

11. BASILI R., A. MOSCHITTI, Intelligent NLP­driven Text Classification, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 11, No. 3 (2002), 389­423.

10. BASILI R., F.M. ZANZOTTO, Parsing Engineering and Empirical Robustness, 8 (2/3) 97­120, Journal of Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press, 2002.

9. BASILI R., DELLA ROCCA M., PAZIENZA M.T, Contextual word sense tuning and disambiguation, Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Volume 11, Number 3, 1997.

8. BASILI, R., M.T. PAZIENZA, P.VELARDI, Integrating General Purpose and Corpus­Based Verb Classifications, Computational Linguistics, Volume 22, Number 4, Decem­ber 1996.

7. BASILI, R., M.T. PAZIENZA, P.VELARDI, An Empirical Symbolic Approach to Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, volume 85 (1996), number 1­2.

6. BASILI, R., F.GRISOLI, M.T. PAZIENZA, HIRMA: Hypertextual Information Re­trieval system Managed by ARIOSTO, on Data and Knowledge Engineering, 17 (1995), 187­213.

5. BASILI R., A. MARZIALI, M.T. PAZIENZA, Modelling syntactic uncertainty in lex­ical acquisition from corpora, Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, vol. 1, n.1, 1994.

4. BASILI, R., M.T. PAZIENZA, P. VELARDI, Acquisition of selectional patterns, Journal of Machine Translation, 8:175­201, 1993.

3. BASILI, R., M.T. PAZIENZA, P. VELARDI, What can be learned from raw texts? , Journal of Machine Translation, 8:147­173, 1993.

2. BASILI, R., M.T. PAZIENZA, P. VELARDI, Semi­automatic extraction of linguistic information for syntactic disambiguation, Applied Artificial Intelligence, vol 7, pp. 339­-364, 1993.

1. BASILI, R., M.T. PAZIENZA, P. VELARDI, A shallow syntactic analyzer to extract word associations from corpora, Literary and Linguistic Computing, 1992, vol. 7, n. 2, 114­-124.

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17. Roberto Basili, Emanuele Donati and Marco Cammisa, RitroveRAI: a Web application for semantic indexing and hyperlinking of multimedia news, Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference, Galway, Ireland, October, 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Springer-Verlag.

16. Roberto Basili, Marco Cammisa and Alessandro Moschitti, A Semantic Kernel to exploit Linguistic Knowledge. In Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2005), Milan 2005, Lecture notes in Computer Science - Springer Verlag.

15. Roberto Basili, Maria Teresa Pazienza, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto, ”Inducing hyper­linking rules in text collections”, in Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing III, (RANLP2004), Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (CILT) 260, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 2004.

14. R. BASILI, M.T. PAZIENZA, F. ZANZOTTO, ”Flexible parsing architectures for NLP applications”, in ”AI*IA 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence”, F. Esposito Ed, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 2175, Springer­Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

13. R. BASILI, A. MOSCHITTI, M.T. PAZIENZA, ”A hybrid approach to optimize feature selection process in text classification”, in ”AI*IA 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelli­gence”, F. Esposito Ed, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 2175, Springer­Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

12. Barsotti F., R Basili., M. Battista , N. Calzolari , O. Corazzari , R. Del monte, F. Fan­ciulli, N. Mana, M. Massetani, S. Montemagni , M.T. Pazienza, F. Pianesi, R. Raffaelli, D. Saracino, , A. Zampolli, F. M. Zanzotto, ”The Italian Syntactic­Semantic Treebank: Architecture, Annotation, Tools and Evaluation”, in ”Building and using sintactically annoted corpora”, Anne Abeill (editor), Language and Speech series, KLUWER, Dor­drecht, 2000

11. BASILI, R., M.     Di Nanni, M.T., Pazienza, Engineering of IE Systems: An Object-­Oriented Approach, in ”Information Extraction: towards scalable, adaptable systems”, M. T. Pazienza editor, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1714, Springer­Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.

10. BASILI R., DI NANNI M., PAZIENZA M., Representing Document Content via an Object­Oriented paradigm, in, Foundations of Intelligent Systems, (Eds. Z.W. Ras, A. Skowron), 11th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Warsaw, Poland, June 8­11, 1999, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer­Verlag, No. 1609.

9. BASILI, R., PAZIENZA, M.T., Lexical Acquisition for Information Extraction, in In­formation Extraction a multidisciplinary Approach to an emerging Information Technology, ed. M.T. Pazienza, Springer­Verlag, Lecture Notes, 1997.

8. BASILI, R., PAZIENZA, M.T.,VINDIGNI M Corpus­-driven Unsupervised Learning of Verb Subcategorization Frames, in AI*IA 97: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, M. Lenzerini Ed., Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n., 1321, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1997.

7. BASILI, R., DELLA ROCCA M., PAZIENZA, P.VELARDI, Customising a Verb Clas­sification in Sublanguages, in Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, R. Mitkov and N. Nicolov Eds., Series IV, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, vol, 136., John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1997.

6. BASILI, R., M.H. CANDITO, M.T. PAZIENZA, P. VELARDI, Evaluating the infor­mation gain of probability­-based PP­-disambiguation methods, D. Jones and H. Somers Eds., UCL Press, London 1997.

5. BASILI, R., PAZIENZA, M.T., VELARDI P., A context-driven conceptual clustering method for verb classification, in Lexical Corpus Processing, B. Boguraev, J. Puste­jovsky Eds., MIT Press, 1996.

4. BASILI, R., PAZIENZA, M.T., Inducing a CG representation for basic-­level categoriza­tion, in B. Moulin, G. Mineau Eds., Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer­Verlag, 1993.

3. BASILI,R., M.T.PAZIENZA, P.VELARDI, ”Using word association for syntactic dis­ambiguation”, in Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Ardizzone,Gaglio,Sorbello Eds., in Lecture Notes in AI, Springer Verlag, 1991.

2. BASILI, C., BASILI, R., MEO EVOLI, L., ”A knowledge­-based approach to statistical query processing”, Advances in Database Technology ­EDBT 92, Pirotte. A, et al. Editors, Springer­Verlag, 1992.

1. PAZIENZA, M.T., BASILI, R., ”A natural language interface to Expert Systems based on logic predicates”, in ”Modelling the innovation”, Carnevale M., Ed., North Holland Elsevier, 1990.

International Conferences National Conferences >>>
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74. Alessandro Moschitti, Daniele Pighin and Roberto Basili. Semantic Role Labeling via Tree Kernel joint inference. In Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, New York, USA, 2006.

73. Roberto Basili, Marco Cammisa, Alfio Gliozzo, "Integrating Domain and Paradigmatic Similarity for Unsupervised Sense Tagging", Proceedings of 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI06), Riva del Garda, (Italy), 2006.

72. Alessandro Moschitti, Bonaventura Coppola, Daniele Pighin and Roberto Basili, Semantic Tree Kernels to classify Predicate Argument Structures. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Riva del Garda, Italy, 2006

71. Roberto Basili, Paolo Marocco, “A geometrical approach to literary text analysis”, Proceedings of the Workshop on “Towards Computational models of Literary Analysis”, May 22nd, 2006, Genova (Italy) jointly held with the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2006, May 22nd-28th, 2006.

70. Alessandro Moschitti and Roberto Basili, A Tree Kernel approach to Question and Answer Classification in Question Answering Systems. In Proceedings of the Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Genova, Italy, 2006.

69. Alessandro Moschitti, Daniele Pighin and Roberto Basili, Tree Kernel Engineering in Semantic Role Labeling Systems. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Learning Structured Information for Natural Language Applications, Eleventh International Conference on European Association for Computational Linguistics, Trento, Italy, 2006.

68. Roberto Basili, Alfredo Serafini, Armando Stellato Extracting Music Features With MidXLog, 1st Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX2005) jointly held with the 6th ISMIR Conference  London, UK, September 14, 2005.

67. Roberto Basili, Marco Cammisa, Maria Vittoria Marabello, Marco Pennacchiotti Dario Saracino, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto, Ontology-driven Information Retrieval in FF-Poirot, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Web Applications, Trento, Itally, December 2005.

66. Roberto Basili, Marco Cammisa and Alessandro Moschitti, Effective use of wordnet semantics via kernel-based learning. In Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2005), Ann Arbor (MI), USA , 2005

65. Alessandro Moschitti, Ana-Maria Giuglea, Bonaventura Coppola and Roberto Basili. Hierarchical Semantic Role Labeling. In Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2005 shared task), Ann Arbor(MI), USA, 2005.

64. Roberto Basili, Marco Cammisa and Alessandro Moschitti, A Semantic Kernel to classify texts with very few training examples. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Learning in Web Search, at the 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2005), Bonn, Germany, 2005.

63. Alessandro Moschitti, Bonaventura Coppola, Daniele Pighin and Roberto Basili. Engineering of Syntactic Features for Shallow Semantic Parsing. In Proceedings of the ACL05 Workshop on Feature Engineering for Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing, Ann Arbor (MI), USA , 2005.

62. Alessandro Moschitti and Roberto Basili. Verb subcategorization kernels for automatic semantic labeling. In Proceedings of the ACL05 Workshop on Deep Lexical Acquisition, Ann Arbor (MI), USA , 2005.

61. Roberto Basili, Alice Di Stefano, Roberto Gigliucci, Alessandro Moschitti, and Marco Pennacchiotti, Automatic Analysis and Annotation of Literary Texts. In proceedings of the Workshop for Cultural Heritage within the 9th Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2005), Milan 2005.

60. Roberto Basili, Marco Pennacchiotti, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto, ”Language Learning and Ontology Engineering: an integrated model for the Semantic Web”, Proceedings of the MEANING­2005, 2nd Workshop organized, February 3rd­4th 2005, Trento, Italy.

59. Roberto Basili, Alfredo Serafini, Armando Stellato, ”Classification of musical genre: a machine learning approach”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR04, Barcelona, 2004.

58. Roberto Basili, Michele Vindigni, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto, ”Understanding the Web through its Language”, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Con­ference on Web Intelligence (WI’04), Bejing Chiina, 2004.

57. Paolo Atzeni, Roberto Basili, Dorte H. Hansen, Paolo Missier, Patrizia Paggio, Maria Teresa Pazienza, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto, ”Ontology­-based question answering in a federation of university sites: the MOSES case study”, 9th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB’04) Manchester (United Kingdom), June 2004

56. Roberto Basili, Dorte H. Hansen, Patrizia Paggio, Maria Teresa Pazienza, Fabio Mas­simo Zanzotto, ”Ontological resources and question answering”, Workshop on Prag­matics of Question Answering, held jointly with NAACL 2004 Boston, Massachusetts, May 2004

55. Roberto Basili, Nicola Lorusso, Maria Teresa Pazienza, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto ”A2Q: an agent­based architecture for multilingual Q&A”, 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004) LISBON, Portugal, May 2004

54. Roberto Basili, Marco Cammisa, Unsupervised Semantic Disambiguation, Workshop on ”Beyond Named Entity Recognition ­Semantic Labelling for Natural Language Processing Tasks”, held jointly with LREC 2004 LISBON, Portugal, May 2004.

53. Patrizia Paggio, Dorte H. Hansen, Roberto Basili, Maria Teresa Pazienza, Fabio Mas­simo Zanzotto ”Ontology­-based question analysis in a multilingual environment: the MOSES case study”, Workshop OntoLex 2004, held jointly with LREC 2004 LISBON, Portugal, May 2004

52. R. BASILI, M. CAMMISA, F.M. ZANZOTTO, ”A Similarity Measure for Semantic Tagging”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004) LISBON, Portugal, May 2004 .

51. A. MOSCHITTI, R. BASILI, ”Complex Linguistic Features for Text Classification: a comprehensive study”, Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Re­trieval, ECIR, 2004.

50. R. BASILI, M.       VINDIGNI, F. ZANZOTTO, ”Integrating ontological and linguistic knowledge for Conceptual Information Extraction”, Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC WI­2003 Conference on Web Intelligence, 2003.

49. R. BASILI, A. MOSCHITTI, M.T. PAZIENZA, F. ZANZOTTO, ”A Semantic­-driven Approach to Hypertextual Authoring” in Proceedings of the LREC 2002 Workshop on ”Event Modelling for Multilingual Document Linking”, Las Palmas, Spain, June 2002.

48. R. BASILI, M.T. PAZIENZA, F. ZANZOTTO, ”Learning Information Extraction pat­terns: a terminology extraction perspective”, in Proceedings of the LREC 2002 Work­shop on ”Event Modelling for Multilingual Document Linking”, Las Palmas, Spain, June 2002.

47. R. BASILI, M.T. PAZIENZA, F. ZANZOTTO, ”Decision trees as explicit domain term definition”, Proceedings of the ”19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2002)”, Taipei, Taiwan, July 2002.

46. R. BASILI, A. MOSCHITTI, M.T. PAZIENZA, ”Empirical investigation of fast text classification over linguistic features”, Proceedings of the ”15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2002)”, Lyon, France, July 2002.

45. R. BASILI, M.T. PAZIENZA, F. ZANZOTTO, ”Acquisition of domain conceptual dictionaries via decision tree learning”, Proceedings of the ”15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2002)”, Lyon, France, July 2002.

44. R. BASILI, M.T. PAZIENZA, F. ZANZOTTO, ”Web­-based information access: Multi­lingual Automatic Authoring”, Proceedings of the ”IEEE International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing”, session on ”Web and Hypermedia systems”, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 2002.

43. R. BASILI, A. MOSCHITTI, ”A robust model for intelligent text classification”, Pro­ceedings of the ”13th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelli­gence”, Dallas, Texas, USA November 2001.

42. R. BASILI, M.T. PAZIENZA, F. ZANZOTTO, ”Modelling the syntactic contextual information for term extraction”, Recent Advances in NLP, (RANLP 2001), Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, 5­7 September 2001.

41. R. BASILI, A. MOSCHITTI, M.T. PAZIENZA, ”NLP­-driven IR: Evaluating perfor­mance over a text classification task”, In Proceeding of the 10th ”International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence” (IJCAI 2001), August 4th, Seattle, Washington, USA 2001.

40. BASILI R., R. CATIZONE, L. PADRO’, M.T. PAZIENZA, G. RIGAU, A. SETZER, N. WEBB, Y. WILKS, F. M. ZANZOTTO, ”Multilingual Authoring: the NAMIC Ap­proach”, in Proceedings of the ACL 2001 Workshop on ”Human Language Technology and Knowledge Management”, Toulouse, July, 2001.

39. PAOLA VELARDI, MICHELE MISSIKOFF, ROBERTO BASILI, ”Identification of Relevant Terms to Support the Construction of Domain Ontologies”, in Proccedings of the ACL 2001 Workshop on ”Human Language Technology and Knowledge Manage­ment”, Toulouse, July 2001.

38. R. BASILI, A. MOSCHITTI, M.T. PAZIENZA, F.M. ZANZOTTO, ”A contrastive ap­proach to term extraction”, in proceedings of the TIA 2001 ”Terminology and Artificial Intelligence” Nancy (France), 2001.

37. BASILI R., MOSCHITTI A., PAZIENZA M.T. ”Modeling Terminological Information in Text Classification”, in Proceedings of the TALN 2000 ”Le Traitment Automatique des Langues Naturelles”, cole Polytechnique Frale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Suisse, 16­18 Octobre 2000.

36. BASILI R., PAZIENZA M.T., VINDIGNI M. ”Corpus­-driven Learning of Event Recog­nition Rules”, in Proceedings of the ECAI 2001 Workshop on ”Machine Learning for Information Extraction”, Berlin, August 20­25, 2000.

35. BASILI R., M.T. PAZIENZA, M. VINDIGNI, F. M. ZANZOTTO. ”Tuning lexicons to new operational scenarios” in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and EvaluationConference, (LREC 2000), Athens, Greece, 31 May ­2 June 2000.

34. R.BASILI, L. MAZZUCCHELLI, M.T.         PAZIENZA. An Adaptive and Distributed Framework for Advanced IR. in Proceeding of 6th RIAO Conference (RIAO 2000), Content­-based Multimedia Information Access, Collge de France, Paris (Francia), Apr. 12­14, 2000.

33. R.BASILI, A. MOSCHITTI, M.T. PAZIENZA. Language Sensitive Text Classifica­tion. in Proceeding of 6th RIAO Conference (RIAO 2000), Content­-based Multimedia Information Access, Collge de France, Paris (Francia), Apr. 12­14, 2000.

32. R.BASILI, A. MOSCHITTI, M.T. PAZIENZA. Robust inference method for profile­-based text Classification. in Proceeding of JADT 2000, 5th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data, Lausanne (Svizzera), March 9­11, 2000.

31. R. BASILI,PAZIENZA M.T. and ZANZOTTO F.M., Customizable Modular Lexical­ized Parsing, in Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Parsing Technology, Trento (Italy), Feb. 2000.

30. BASILI R., M.T. PAZIENZA, M. VINDIGNI, Adaptive parsing and Lexical Learning., Proceedings of the Vextal International Conference, Venice (Italy), Nov. 1999.

29. R.BASILI, A. MOSCHITTI, M.T. PAZIENZA. A text Classifier based on Linguis­tic Processing. in Proceeding of IJCAI 99 Workshop, Machine Learning for Infor­mation Filtering, Stockolm (Svezia), August 1999, (see”http://www­ai.informatik.uni­­MLIF/papers.html”).

28. BASILI R., M.T. PAZIENZA, ZANZOTTO F.M., Lexicalizing a shallow parser, Pro­ceedings of TALN99 Conference, Le Traitment Automatique des Langues Naturelles, 12­17 Juillet 1999, Cargse, Corse.

27. BASILI R., M.T. PAZIENZA, M. VINDIGNI, Lexical Learning for Improving Syn­tactic Analysis, Proceedings of theACAI99 Workshop on Machine Learning in Human Language Technology, Chania, Greece, 5­16 July 1999.

26. BASILI R., M.T. PAZIENZA, ZANZOTTO F.M., Efficient Parsing for Information Extraction, Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI ’98), Brighton (UK), August 1998.

25. BASILI R., DI NANNI M., MAZZUCCHELLI L., MARABELLO M.V., PAZIENZA M.T., NLP for Text classification: the TREVI experience, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Industrial Applications, Universite’ de Moncton, New Brunswick (Canada), August 1998.

24. BASILI R., CONSOLI C., CUCCHIARELLI A., M.T. PAZIENZA, VELARDI P., Au­tomatic Adaptation of WordNet to Sublanguages and to Computational Tasks, Work­shop on ”Usage of WordNet ”, ACL98, Montreal, August 1998.

23. BASILI R., R. CATIZONE, M.T. PAZIENZA, STEVENSON M., VELARDI P,.VINDIGNI M., Y. WILKS, An Empirical Approach to Lexical Tuning, Proceedings of the Work­shop Adapting Lexical and Corpus Resources to Sublanguages and Applications, LREC First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Granada, Spain, 26 May 1998.

22. BASILI R., M.T. PAZIENZA, ZANZOTTO F.M., Evaluating a robust parser for Ital­ian, Proceedings of the Workshop on the Evaluation of Parsing Systems, LREC First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Granada, Spain, 26 May 1998.

21. BASILI R., Knowledge Acquisition from Corpora, Proceedings of the workshop on New Challenges in Natural Language Processing and its Application, May 25­26, AI Research Laboratory Hitachi, Tokyo, 1998.

20. BASILI R., M.T. PAZIENZA, M. VINDIGNI, Adapting a Subcategorization Lexicon to a Domain, Proceedings of the ECML98 Workshop ”TANLPS Towards adaptive NLP­-driven systems: linguistic information, learning methods and applications”, Chemnitz University, Germany, April 24, 1998.

19. R. BASILI, L. BORDONI, M.T. PAZIENZA: Extracting terminology from corpora, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Terminology, Standardization and Technology Transfer (TSTT’97), August 1997.

18. BASILI R., DE ROSSI G., PAZIENZA M.T., Inducing Terminology for Lexical Acquisi­tion, Proceedings of the Second Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Lanaguge Processing, Providence, USA, August 1997.

17. BASILI R., DELLA ROCCA M., PAZIENZA M.T., Towards a Bootstrapping Frame­work for Corpus Semantic Tagging, Proceedings of ACL SIGLEX ANLP97 Workshop on Lexical Semantic Tagging, Washington D.C., April 1997.

16. BASILI R., A. MARZIALI, M.T. PAZIENZA, P. VELARDI, Unsupervised Learning of Syntactic Knowledge: Methods and Measures, Proceedings of the International Confer­ence on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Philadelfia, Pennsylvania, 17 May, 1996

15. BASILI R., M.T. PAZIENZA, Distributed Architectures for Document Classification and Indexing, Proceedings of the AISB ’96 Workshop on Document Classification, Brighton, Sussex, 2­3 April, 1996.

14. BASILI, R., M.T. PAZIENZA, Semantic indexing of document bases, Working Notes in AAAI 1995 Fall Symposium on AI Applications in Knowledge Navigation and Retrieval, M.I.T. Cambridge (Massachussetts), November 10­12, 1995.

13. BASILI, R., DELLA ROCCA M., PAZIENZA, P.VELARDI, Contexts and categories: tuning a general purpose verb classification to sublanguages, Proc. of International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Tzigov Chark, Bul­garia, 14­16 September, 1995.

12. BASILI, R., M.T. PAZIENZA, P. Velardi, Integration of Probabilistic and Symbolic methods for semantic categorization, Working Notes in AAAI 1995 Spring Symposium on Representation and Acquisition of Lexical Knowledge: Polisemy, Ambiguity and Generativity, Stanford, California, March 27­29, 1995 (AAAI Tech. Report, SS­95­0).

11. BASILI, R., GRISOLI F., M.T. PAZIENZA, Might a semantic Lexicon support hy­pertextul authoring?, Proc of the 4th ACL Applied Natural Language Processing, Stuttgart (Germany), October 1994.

10. BASILI, R., M.T. PAZIENZA, P.VELARDI, The Noisy Channel and the Braying Don­key, Proc. of the ACL Workshop ”The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic and Sta­tistical Approaches to Language”, J. Klavans, P. Resnik, Eds., Las Cruces, 27th July, 1994.

9. BASILI, R., M.T. PAZIENZA, P.VELARDI, A (not­-so) shallow parser for collocational analysis, Proc. of Coling ’94, Kyoto, Japan, 1994.

8. BASILI R., Integrating different strategies for language learning, MLNET Workshop, Blanes, Spain, 1993.

7. BASILI, R., PAZIENZA, M.T., VELARDI, P., Hierarchical clustering of verbs, ACL SIGLEX Workshop on Extraction of Lexical Information from Texts, Columbus, Ohio, June, 1993.

6. BASILI, R., PAZIENZA, M.T., VELARDI, P., ”Combining NLP and statistical tech­niques for lexical acquisition”, Working notes of AAAI Fall Symp. Series, Probabilistic approaches to natural language, Cambridge MA, October, 1992.

5. BASILI, R., PAZIENZA, M.T., VELARDI, P., ”Computational Lexicons: the Neat Examples and the Odd Exemplars”, Proc. of Third Int. Conf. on Applied Natural Language Processing, Povo, Trento, April, 1992.

4. BASILI,R., E.PASERO, ”Training a neural network for character recognition by a fuzzy rule­ base”, ISMM Workshop on PARALLEL PROCESSING ’91, Trani, Italy, September, 1991.

3. BASILI,R., M.T.PAZIENZA, ”A model-based knowledge representation for intelligent access to remote sensed data”, VI Czech Annual Conference on AI, Prague, 25­27 June, 1991.

2. BASILI,R, M.,ELKINGTON, L.FUSCO, M.T.PAZIENZA, ”Access to Earth Observa­tion missions using a knowledge based system: the User Interface Terminal prototype”, Proc. of the ”Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge­-based system for Space” Workshop, ESA­Estec, Netherlands, May, 1991.

1. BASILI,C., R.BASILI, L.MEO­EVOLI, ”A logic based knowledge base for statistical table management”, 9th IASTED Int.Symposium on Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, February 1991.

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6. Roberto BASILI, Maria Teresa PAZIENZA, Marco PENNACCHIOTTI, ”SALINAC: un sistema di supporto all’apprendimento di Linguaggio Naturale Controllato”, Atti del Convegno Didamatica 2004, Bologna, 2004.

5. BASILI R., A. BONELLI, M.T. PAZIENZA, Estrazione e rappresentazione di infor­mazioni terminologiche eterogenee, Proceedings of the AI*IA Workshop ”Strumenti di organizzazione e accesso intelligente per informazioni eterogenee”, Padova, Italy, 23 September 1998.

4. BASILI R., M.T. PAZIENZA, M. VINDIGNI, Acquisizione Automatica di   schemi di sottocategorizzazione verbali: una analisi statistica dei fenomeni di un corpus fi­nanziario, Proceedings of the AI*IA Workshop on Apprendimento Automatico e Lin­guaggio Naturale, Torino Italy, December 1997.

3. BASILI R., DI NANNI M., PAZIENZA M.T., Disambiguazione sintattica: un modello efficiente a localita’ estesa, Proceedings of the AI*IA Workshop on Apprendimento Automatico e Linguaggio Naturale, Torino Italy, December 1997.

2. BASILI, R., M.T. PAZIENZA, P.VELARDI, Corpus-­driven acquisition of verb ontolo­gies, Atti delle Giornate sull’Apprendimento Automatico, GAA ’92, Roma, 7­9 Maggio, 1992.

1. BASILI,R., E. PASERO, ”A fuzzy trainer for neural networks”, Proceedings of Quarto Workshop Italiano su Architetture Parallele e Reti Neurali, Vietri sul Mare, Italia, May, 1991.

National Journals

2. Roberto Basili, ”Apprendimento Automatico del Lessico per l’Integrazione di Conoscenza Linguistica ed Ontologica”, AI*IA Notizie, n. 1, 2003.

1.Roberto Basili, ”Elaborazione del Linguaggio Naturale: risultati, difficoltà e prospettive”, AI*IA Notizie, Editoriale del Numero Speciale sulla Elaborazione del Linguaggio Naturale, Editor R. Basili, Aprile 1995.

Technical Reports

BASILI,C., R.BASILI, L.MEO-EVOLI, "Extracting statistical information through Prolog", Progetto Finalizzato Sistemi Informativi e Calcolo Parallelo, Sottoprogetto 5: Sistemi evoluti per Basi di Dati, CNR Rapp. 5/48, Dicembre 1990. 

PHD Dissertation

BASILI R. Un modello formale per l'apprendimento di concetti linguistici da analisi di corpora estesi di testi, Tesi di Dottorato in Ingegneria Elettronica, dell'Informazione e dell'Automazione, Universita' di Roma, Tor Vergata, 1993.

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