
Faculty of Engineering (DISP@RTV)
(Univ. of Roma, Tor Vergata)

Faculty of Humanities
(Univ. of Roma, Tor Vergata)

PhD School in Computer Science (DISP@RTV)
(Univ. of Roma, Tor Vergata)

Statistical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (since 2003)

Other Academic Activities

  • Tutorial "Parsing Robusto: Approcci Statistici e Simbolici per il riconoscimento sintattico su larga scala, (Robust Parsing: Symbolic and Statistical Approaches for Large Scale Grammatical Recognition."), Conferenza Nazionale della Associazione Italiana di Intelligenza Artificiale, AI*IA, Bari, Settembre 2001, in cooperation with Fabio Massimo Zanzotto. (URL: http://www.di.uniba.it/~aiia/eventi.html\#tutorial)

  • Tutorial "An Introduction to Information Extraction", AI*IA 99 Conference, Bologna, Italy (September 1999), in collaboration with Fabio Ciravegna (University of Sheffield, UK).
  • "Metre de Conference" at the Universitè of Paris VII on "Statistical Natural Language Processing" (February 1999)
  • Invited Seminar on Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods for Natural Language. ESSLI School on Logic Language and Information, Prague 1996

On-Line Courses (DISP@RTV)

Database Systems (Master in Computer Engineering)

Invited Talks and Seminars


  • Invited Speaker at the Semantic Web School, July 2005.
  • Invited Speaker: Unsupervised Semantic Tagging using Wordnet and Syntactic Information, at the Workshop on "Lexico-Semantic Classification and Tagging", Prague, Cszech Republic, December 2003.
  • Invited Speaker on Learning Ontological Models from texts, presso l'ECAI 2002 Workshop on "Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for Ontology Engineering", Lyon, France, July 2002.
  • Invited Speaker on Methods, representation and linguistic bias in Adaptive IE, presso il LREC 2002 Workshop on "Event Modelling for Multilingual Document Linking", Las Palmas, Spain, June 2002.