- Zanzotto, F.M., Ferrone, L., Baroni, M. (2015). When the whole is not greater than the sum of its parts: A decompositional look at compositional distributional semantics, Computational Linguistics 41(1). (PDF)
Ferrone, L., Zanzotto, F.M., Carreras, X. (2015). Decoding Distributed Tree Structures, Proceedings of SLSP 2015. (PDF, Slides)
- Ferrone, L., & Zanzotto, F. M. (2014, August). Towards Syntax-aware Compositional Distributional Semantic Models, Proceedings of COLING 2014. (PDF)
- Ferrone, L. & Zanzotto, F.M. (2014, December). Distributed Smoothed Tree Kernels, Proceedings of Clic-It 2014. (PDF)
- Ferrone, L., & Zanzotto, F. M. (2013, November). Linear Compositional Distributional Semantics and Structural Kernels, Joint Symposium on Semantic Processing. (PDF)