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The 20th Century has provided a new kind of heritage through audiovisual technology. Key events were recorded, and audiovisual media became the new form of cultural expression and an expansion of humankind memory. These historical, cultural and commercial assets are much more fragile that conventional artwork (paintings, paper documents, monuments …), and are now entirely at risk from deterioration. The UNESCO estimate of the world audiovisual holdings is 200 million hours and about 50 million in Europe. All audio, video and film recordings are endangered within the next 20 years. This is a main challenge for local and national archives but also for universities, libraries, museums and enterprise or personal collections. Although large Broadcasters have already begun to digitise their huge holdings, with very high costs and using complex technology, the necessity is now to introduce a preservation factory approach with the objective of providing an integrated semi-automated solution, to reduce the costs so that the small-to-medium collections can also be saved through common standardised services. The services will be tailored to the realities of the wide variety of audiovisual collections: economic and social models, storage and software costs, and human resources costs as well as the policies and practices applied by stakeholders. Access requirements involve: addressing to whole documents or excerpts with the adequate metadata and rights clearance and rights management, quality restoration where needed and effective delivery systems for commercial and public access. In order to enable any European archive owner, from small collections to the largest, to manage an autonomous and realistic patrimonial policy, including preservation and exploitation of digital assets, PrestoSpace will push the limits of the current technology beyond the State of the Art, bringing together industry, research institutes and stakeholders at European level to provide products and services for bringing effective automated preservation and access to Europe’s diverse audiovisual collections. More details @ project Web page |
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